We support and encourage flexible ways of working so you can balance your work alongside personal commitments and wellbeing. We believe it’s an important component of a diverse and inclusive culture.
Over 90% of employees access some form of flexible working. This includes all levels of the organisation – from the leadership team and right through the organisation. The focus at Roche is about output, productivity and performance, not about clocking on and off.
You can enjoy the autonomy to manage your own time and feel empowered and trusted to work when and where you want to deliver your best work in alignment with business needs and job requirements.
To help you deliver meaningful outcomes that make you proud and support your career aspirations, we take a strengths based approach to your development. Strengths are a key foundation of frequent check-in conversations between you and your manager.
Roche Products Pty Limited ABN 70 000 132 865 | Roche Diagnostics Australia Pty Limited ABN 29 003 001 205 | Roche Diabetes Care Australia Pty Limited ABN 69 602 140 278. This website may contain information about products that are not registered for use in your country of residence and may not comply with applicable laws or regulations in that country. We do not take any responsibility for accessing such information in those circumstances. To report a suspected side effect or product complaint associated with the use of a Roche product, visit